The Celenes

The Celenes are shapeshifters, like the WereCreatures of Legend. There are many tribes of Celenes, one for every large non-herbivorous mammal. There are Bears, Wolves, Boars, Lions, Rats, Lynx, Bobcats, Foxes, Raccoons, Skunks, Weasels, Minks, Otters, Wolverines, Badgers, Bats and  even Opossums in and near the area of Celenest, and many other types scattered about. The tribes generally live separately, the exception being in the city of Silverymoon where they maintain their Capital and Monumentary.

The oceanic Weres should also be mentioned. There Seals, SeaLions, and Dolphins. Selkies are found in both Seas, but SeaLions are restricted to IceMarches and Dolphins to the Opaline Ocean.

RareWeres:  Coyotes, Polar Bears, Ferret, Tigers, Jaguars, LesserCats (Margay, Jaguarondi, Serval, Ocelot), River Dolphins, Warthogs and assorted Marmosets.

Weres can shapechange at will - it is a skill and doing it is somewhat fatiguing. The upright form of most Celenes is roughly human, that is, like a burly Elf with rounded ears. Specific tribes, however, may look like any humanoid form. Badgers are short and thick like Oreads and Minks are short and frail with tiny ears like the Mammalian Little People. They are capable of learning to assume a two forms in addition to the Bestial:  one that is purely animal and one that is humanoid/animal hybrid.

Although very hardy and long-lived (and immune to disease), the Celenes are not immortal. They have a more direct understanding of time than most inhabitants of Worldstree, and accrue Wisdom with its Passing. They also must eat - a delicate subject in Worldstree. Many (Bears, Raccoons, Otters, Etc.) eat only fish. The rest (Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, etc.) will eat Birds and Squirrels (a minor offense). Lions, Tigers and Wolves are different. Wolves are Warriors who eat their Enemies, mostly the Korrupts of Darkwood, and the Lions hunt the Irisbix of the Thunderfields. Tigers eat the malicious Savage Elves and a few Tapirs.

Celenes, like Faeries, have a special relationship with the High Metals. They can be injured by either Aurium or Adamantium, but take extra damage from Mithril. This is unlike the Silver Faeries, who are hurt by mere proximity to the High Metals. Rather than avoid Mithril, the Celenes worship it and have achieved great art in working it.

Celenes have a great fondness for Astrology. By using the powers of the Tidal Forces of the all the Celestial Bodies, they open Gates to other Myths via their giant Menhirs. This type of Travel is not uncommon on/in Worldstree:  its part of the name. Though the Gates open cyclically to specific Myths, the cycle is long and a Dreamer's return may take decades, preventing practical contact.