
 Grigs are a trimorphic Race representing the order Orthoptera. There are Acridides (grasshoppers), Tettigoniies (katydids), and Gryllidas (crickets). All Grigs have humanoid torsos that end in segmented abdomens with accompanying insectoid legs. Their backs are covered by wing cases that conceal two pairs of folding wings. Grigs have compound eyes and antennae.

 Grigs are universally musical and masters of Spellsong. They produce their Song by rubbing their wingcases together, sometimes supplemented by Instruments they make. Grig songs can have Magical Effects should they wish it. Grigs are also attracted to music and have extraodinarily sensitive hearing. A skillful player (usually some other Faerie Race) can summon Grigs from miles around.

 Grigs are born about two inches tall. Every Morning they molt until they are about one hundred, after which they reach sexual maturity. Immature grigs can't sing or fly. Adult grigs are seldom exceed fourteen inches in height.

Grigs mate during MidDay. Each type attempts to lure one of the other two with music. Grylls usually try to kill and eat their victims after mating, but don't always succeed. Tettigons and Grylls lay their single eggs in Evening and the eggs hatch the following Morning. All hibernate during mid-Twilight, usually in undergrowth or inside a plant or tree.


 All Acridides are male. They prefer open fields and meadows where they build hidden thatched grass houses. Acridides are very territorial - there will be only one per field. They eat grass, and encourage the growth of certain tasty varieties, especially clovers.


 Tettigons are hermaphroditic. They live in the upper parts of trees, constructing homes from dried and living limbs and branches. Although only a one tettigon will live in a given Tree, they prefer to inhabit trees near other tettigon trees. Tettigons eat leaves and fruits, and prefer fruitbearing trees above other types.


 Grylls are the third gender, and are universally female. They dig tunnels underneath thick undergrowth. Though they prefer dead and dying creatures, they also eat decaying plant material. Grylls aren't territorial, but they are cannibalistic, and consider other Grigs (including other Grylls and their own young) to be particularly fine food. They are very adept at setting traps and snare for Insects and other small Faeries, usually pit traps.