
 Midges are, as their name implies, the smallest Faerie Race, at around four inches. They are also one of the most Evil Races. Midges are dull colors, mostly browns and grays. Unlike other flying Faeries, Midges have only one pair of wings. They have an inch long needle sharp probocis downward from their faces that originates from a fused nose/mouth. Like Atomies, Midges have an oversized and extended but otherwise normal larval stage. Midges, however, need only spend ten years as aquatic larvae. Midges mate during early Morning. During the rest of the MidDay and following Evening, females can lay eggs anytime they can get enough food. Male midges use their probocis to drink plant juices, and females use theirs to drink blood. Unless they have eaten very recently, female midges appear severly emaciated. After eating, they become bloated and swollen, both with blood and developing eggs. Although they do not live in groups, when more than one Midge is attracted to the same prey, they will often cooperate.