the dictatortots

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dictatortots bio

Out of the postgrunge fallout of the turn of the millenium came a band, like many other bands yet unlike any before them, to smite heavily upon the heads of any who would come to share the joy of bleeding ears and frosty lagers.

They were called the dictatortots, and it was good, and they begat much verminous children of poetic disfructure.

And so it was said: Ye who shall follow these dictatortots shall be numbered among the blessed. Thou shalt consume great quantities of beverage, until all are beauteous and beloved to thine eye. And thou shalt thrash they heads until the heavy crick enters thy neck. And when the magic panflutes play, then shalt thou rejoice, all whilst shedding happy tears and soiled garments, hurling thou at each other with a great frenzy until all is still again.

And the mark of these dictatortots shall be placed upon the clothing of the chose; yea also onto their beverage cups, and conveyances, and computer workstations, and key fobs. And those marked shall be raised above other men, for they are the chosen of the one true band.

And so it is foretold: these dictatortots would inherit the world, and all worlds beyond it. They shall reap the piles of wealth, cases of fine drink and vast seas of adoration they so richly deserve. And all people of the worlds shall rejoice, for their love will nearly burst from their chest, and their laughter and upraised fists shall shake the land.